Librarian’s Report 2012-08-09


BPL is signed up to migrate to the VOKAL network in December 2012.  The VOKAL subcommittee is working on preparing for the changeover.

BPL Computer Policy and Rules of Conduct were adopted by the board and we are working on a Circulation Policy.

Robin has resigned her position cleaning the library. After 4 years she feels she is ready to move on to whatever comes her way but plans to continue to be a frequent visitor.

The grant of new LED lights and energy saver electric strips have been installed

We are putting together a committee to set up technology lab instruction.  If anyone is interested in being on this committee please let us know.


BPLis partnering with the Buena Gente Spanish Language Club to connect to a larger group of Spanish speakers and give access to our patrons to practice their language skills.


BPL received a grant of $2500 from the Vermont Community Fund to update our technology services for the public. We plan to provide convenient electric outlets for  laptops and set up a computer learning lab.

We received an ERATE commitment for 7/1/2012-6/30/2013 funding year for about $546.00.

We have applied for and will be participating in the Reading is an Investment pilot project along with 28 Vermont Libraries.  This program offers another opportunity for us to strengthening ties between the public library and the school through financial literacy.  Books and materials should ship the first week of September. The program is offered through the Vermont State Treasurers office and Director of Financial Literacy & Communications.

Upcoming Programs

Civil War – Battle of Manassas 8/22,6:30 Larry Coffin will lead us through the highlights and give important details of the battle that set the stage for the American Civil War.

Spanish Language Program – Emilson Melgar fromAntiqua,Guatemala will facilitate a Spanish speaking night at the Bradford Public Library.  Focus will be on Questions and Courtesies and Life inGuatemala. We are lucky to have a native Spanish speaker to help us with our Spanish language skills.  Members from the Buena Gente Spanish Club have been invited to join with us. We in turn on included in their calendar of events.

July Programs

Mushroom Foraging Walk – Mark Rinehimer and Jim Morel led a foraging walk in theBradfordTownForest with a potluck afterward.  We had a good group of enthusiastic participants and brought in new people to the library.

Otha Day Drumming Circle : Saturday, July 28 at 1:00 PM. Games, songs and improvisational music through percussion instruments. Wonderful program with a large drumming circle in the reading room.   One of the participants liked it so much they sent in a $25 donation with a thank you for the program.

Movie Night/Superman-the Original Adventure – Patrick Peters, our graphic novel consultant, showed the original Superman film with some historical background on July 25. His superman display in the Reading Room case was popular.  Channel 3 came and did a short segment on the program.

Elementary Art Adventure: connecting kid’s literature with art.  The summer art series was fun and successful.  BPL is wrapping up the summer program series and participants are handing in their reading log and getting a coupon for a free ice cream at Bliss Store.

Young Adult Book Discussion Series: participants met to play frisbee golf and discuss their favorite DCF book.


“I have this co-worker who was telling me she had never read a book.  So I brought in this audio book from the Bradford Public Library and we listened to it while we worked.  She loved it and wants more. We are even going to try listening to Pride and Prejudice.”

One of our young adult patrons was speaking with me yesterday as she waited for her ride home with an armload of books. Amanda says that her teachers always ask her where she gets her books and she tells them “My public library”. I told her to mention Bradford Public!