Librarian’s Report 2012-10-11
Summer is over and it is time to stack the wood and fill out reports. State standard and reports are done online and will be due in early November. Budget numbers a due to the town the first of November. We have had a great year and now we just need to find the time to report it.
Banned Book week just finished and our display of banned books has moved on to lots of great new books we have just gotten in. It makes the short, chilly days more welcoming knowing there are new books at the library to take to bed.
As part of our move to VOKAL we are looking at a variety of options for designating our collections and patrons in the database.
We have set up a Money Literacy shelf downstairs for children and families. This is part of a collaborative effort with the state and local schools to merge curriculum and library services. A core selection of books on money literacy were donated to the library and others we acquired through long term loan from the state library system.
Debra attended two Vokal training sessions in cataloging and circulation in Norwich. These trainings are giving us an idea of VOKAL’s potential and requirements for using the programs effectively. We expect a class soon on migration.
Collaboration with BES curriculum and development of the Money Literacy shelf downstairs.
Global Campus has scheduled a number of programs at the library this fall.
Plans are being developed to build and install a small outreach station bookshelf at a local business in town which the library will keep supplied with free books that have been donated to us.
We have been approved for a bike rack and will be planning activities to foster biking to the library in 2013.
Sept Programs
Walk on the Wild Side -Fall Mushroom Gathering was a great finish to the mushroom club programs this year. The room was packed with patrons and fungi. Thank you Mark Rinehimer and Jim Morel. We hope to continue this series in 2013.
BPL Walk-a-thon was rainy but we still earned some money and everyone was happy to help. Thank you Angela for bringing this together.
BPL hosted 20 librarians from the LUV exchange.
Children’s story hour last week hosted over 30 participants and many new families to the library. Gail’s work at the elementary school has helped bring awareness of the BPL to a greater audience.
Upcoming Programs:
Seven Deadly Sins Book Discussion – Vermont Humanities and BPL sponsored book discussion started Sept. 26. Suzanne Brown is our scholar and leads the discussion. We have two more sessions left. This is a lively and interesting group.
Thursday Night Computer Lab – Thursday evenings, 6-8 all of October. Bring questions and devices and get hands-on, face to face help. Our October Tech Lab has gotten off to a good start. Eli LaVaude is working 2 hours a week. We also have gotten approval and a volunteer, Brittany from community college to take over the Tech Night after Eli finished this pilot project at the end of October.
iPAD Basics Series Class will begin in January.
Global Campus program is hosting Baker’s Studio, In Times Past, Italy and Sign Language programs here at the library.