Librarian’s Report 2013-03-14
Punch Card Challenge for Trustees Update – punch your own
Budget was approved by the town. Thank you Bradford for your support.
New DVDs from LUV will arrive this month. Our top user each month is from DVDs and mostly LUV DVDs so this service has picked up and is highly utilized.
The energy meter, GMP Smart Power, should be installed this month or next.
Programs Report:
2/27 iPAD Basics 2 – Face time and Video The Pryer family, avid readers and techies, will guide us through downloading Free ebooks and audio. Great program with lots of new information.
3/6 Cynthia.Huntington – Named a finalist for the National Book Award. Cynthia Huntington is coming to Bradford Public Library Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30. Terrific Poet and an honor to hear her voice reading her poetry.
Upcoming Programs:
3/27 6:30 IPAD Basics 3 – Taking Photos and Videos … Using photos for social media, to email and to edit. The instructor will be Arvid Johnson.
Childhood Literacy for Caregiver – Second in a series of programs teaching literacy techniques.
April: Poetry Month
Vermont’s Poet Laureate
Wednesday, April 3, 6:30
Sydney Lea is Poet Laureate of Vermont. Lea has been described as “a man in the woods with his head full of books”, which certainly fits with our library venue. He speaks from the natural world with words as his tools.
Poetry Workshop with Jack Gundy and Phyllis Katz
Wednesday, April 17, 6:30
Should be a great program with lots of sharing of techniques and passion.
4/24 Poetry Reading – Your own and others. Come share and give voice to poetry.
VT READS – Poetry 101 books should be here soon!
BPL was granted the ADA site training grant for $1000. Regional training will be held at the Bradford Public Library. The time will be announced.
Refurbished Apple computer was donated to the library through the Dave Barthel connection.
Erate was awarded and we were given $412.80.
Professional Development:
Opportunities for Trustee training:
3/21 – VT Nonprofit Conference – Lake Morey Inn
4/17 – Town Officer’s Conference – Lake Morey Inn
Please attend any that you can.
Debra Tinkham will be on a panel for a state library program called “Advocacy for Libraries” 3/29 and 4/17 at the Town Officer’s conference on a panel about advocacy for libraries at the town government level. Double wammy!