Holiday Craft Kits
Stop by the library and pick up your Holiday Craft Kit with everything you need to build your own Gingerbread House! Then take a picture and with your permission, we will share your creation on the website!
Hours: Tues: 9am-2pm, Wed: 12-5pm, Thurs: 12-8pm, Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat: 9am-12pm
Hours: Tues: 9am-2pm, Wed: 12-5pm, Thurs: 12-8pm, Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat: 9am-12pm
Stop by the library and pick up your Holiday Craft Kit with everything you need to build your own Gingerbread House! Then take a picture and with your permission, we will share your creation on the website!
BPL encourages kids to join CLiF’s virtual storytelling series Zoom! You need to register in advance so please visit this page on the CLiF website: CLiF has created an overview for each presentation that includes links to virtual ways…