2010 Annual Drive
Bradford Public Library 2010 Annual Drive is here. Please take the time help make knowledge accessible to everyone. This year we have added a Pay Pal button to the web page so you can donate online.
“I have been a patron of the Bradford Public Library for over 45 years and I have never seen so many folks using it in so many ways. The number of patrons of all ages is higher than at any time in my memory. Books are being circulated and computers are in constant use. The programs are numerous and varied. There are more volunteers manning the circulation desk, shelving books, assisting with programs and fund-raising than ever before. The trustees are energized and involved. Central to all of this is the two wonderful library-directors, Debra Tinkham and Gail LaVaude.”
This quote by a long-time observer and user of the Library is a great introduction to our annual drive appeal letter. These are the reasons we need your financial support. A large portion of our annual income comes from the Town of Bradford supplemented by our small trust funds. However, we rely on your support to create more than just a basic program of activities. Over the past eight years, this annual drive has raised more than $40,000 to supplement the budget and finance much-needed repairs and improvements.
If you contributed last year, please accept our gratitude and our request for your assistance to meet this year’s goal of $5000. If this request is new to you, please consider our need worthy of your interest and support. If you have not visited the library recently, please drop by and enjoy a hot beverage while looking at the new books, displays and equipment. You might be interested in the fine article posted on the “Libraries That Work” blog at http://librariesthatwork.blogspot.com/2010/10/bradford-public-library-inbradford.html in which we are described as being among “the best and most innovative.”
Many of this year’s activities are posted on our Facebook page and web site. Some of the most exciting include our Story Hour with its special Spanish activities, the book discussion groups and presentations on weather forecasting, immigration, art activities and book repair. The History Club and sewing group meets on a regular basis. Books are being checked using the new LibraryWorld program. Eight computers are in almost constant use. With money from the sale of Larry Coffin’s local history book and a grant from the Bryne Foundation, we have just installed a new microfilm scanner that will become the basis of our new family research center. We have held a quilt raffle, a “Stroll for Stories”, a book and plant sale and a family picnic-concert to supplement our budget. We have received a number of grants from local businesses for the purchase of new equipment.
We need your financial support. We hope that we have made a convincing case and that you will return this form with your tax-deductible donation. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions please feel free to contact any of the trustees or staff. We thank you for your help.
The Trustees and Staff:
Trustees: President: Peter Richards, Treasurer: Charles Haas, Clerk: Angela Conrad-Schlager, Corresponding Secretary: Larry Coffin; Dottie Unkles, David Barthel,, Tony Brainerd, Zack Fogg, Andrea Covey and Eugenia Stevenson; Trustees emeritae: Shirley Conrad and Eris Eastman; Town Representatives to the Board: Susan LaPierre and Carrie Aldrich Staff: Library Co-Directors Debra Tinkham and Gail LaVaude.
Please return with check made payable to the Bradford Public Library (PO Box 619, Bradford, VT 05033). If you are making a contribution to both funds, one check is OK.
Yes, we’d like to support the Bradford Public Library in its Annual Drive for:
(1) Support of services (To cover a portion of the operating expenses.):
$25_____ $35_____ $50______ $100_____ Other:_____________.
(2) Restoration Fund (projects beyond routine maintenance):
$25 _____ $35 _____ $50 _____ $100_____ Other:_____________.
Town, State, ZIP:____________________________________________________________
If you would like to donate online through Paypal, you can use the Donation Tab on the top center of the Library’s Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bradford-Center-VT/Bradford-Public-Library/253647528667 or at the Library’s home page at http:/bradfordvtlibrary.org/ or by googling “Bradford Vermont Library.”
( ) If you would like to talk with us about making a contribution of $500 or more, please indicate that here. We have drawn up a wish-list of items and projects for those who wish to make such significant contributions. There is a plaque, prominently displayed, that recognizes gifts of that amount. These donations may be a memorial gift or to honor a loved one. Larger donations for specific projects may be honored by individual plaques of recognition and appreciation. We would certainly be ready to discuss specific projects with you with a cost estimate. If you are interested in leaving a bequest in your will or making a donation of assets, we will discuss those possibilities as well. Please contact any of the staff or trustees to make arrangements for a large donation.