Poem Town 2021!
Persons of all ages are encouraged to create and send original poems to poemtown@bradfordvt.org by March 15.
Submissions will be professionally printed and displayed through downtown Bradford during the month of April.
Hours: Tues: 9am-2pm, Wed: 12-5pm, Thurs: 12-8pm, Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat: 9am-12pm
Hours: Tues: 9am-2pm, Wed: 12-5pm, Thurs: 12-8pm, Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat: 9am-12pm
Persons of all ages are encouraged to create and send original poems to poemtown@bradfordvt.org by March 15.
Submissions will be professionally printed and displayed through downtown Bradford during the month of April.